Interview on kykNET (TV). Implications for South Africa’s State Owned Enterprises in the wake of recent CEO resignations. Tim LondonNovember 16, 2019South Africa, State Capture, CEO, Change, Leadership
Article: SOE CEO resignations: What their replacements must do to turn their organizations around. CFO South Africa. Tim LondonNovember 16, 2019Leadership, Change, CEO, South Africa, State Capture, Organizations, Culture, HR
Article: Change your organizational culture to create the space for innovation. CFO South Africa. Tim LondonNovember 16, 2019Organizations, Culture, Change, Innovation
Speaking at Hawaii International Conference on Education: "Legal Barriers to Systemic Organizational Change in Schools: Baby Blaine Amendments and School Vouchers" Tim LondonNovember 16, 2019Law, Education, Organizations, Schools, Leadership, Change, Vouchers